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Showing posts from October, 2017

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

One of the most popular virtual world games to date is called The SIMS. I loved playing this game because it allowed me to be creative. Virtual worlds are popular because it allows creators to become whoever they want. You get to experience a different lifestyle that can be therapeutic. In addition, virtual worlds are popular because there are no real life consequences. You get to choose whatever you feel like doing. One interesting thing that I learned about virtual worlds is from the CNN article called Going to the virtual office in Second Life . According to this source, business are using Second Life to have virtual meetings. This is advantageous for companies because it allows for conferences remotely. This can cut down on time consumption. Likewise, the US government also finds virtual worlds to be advantageous because it allows for them to conduct training and develop prototypes. Some of the disadvantages of virtual worlds consist of lag time, and getting the laws of physics t

Blog about Twitter

I found the twitter discussion surprisingly to be a fun activity. Since the characters are limited, things are more concise compared to BlackBoard. In addition, it is easier to reply and comment on Twitter. Likewise a great feature that Twitter has but BlackBoard doesn't is the like feature. Through this button, students are able to easily recognize when their peers agree with what they have to say without going through a long process. It is also easier to view comments via hashtags whereas on BlackBoard you would have to click on each individual to see what they wrote. However, I believe in-class discussions overall are be much better than Twitter discussions because face to face conversations are more meaningful. Through in class discussions you get to experience the tone and the gesture of the student. This is something you cannot tell from online sources.

Blog: Social networking sites

Four of the major social media sites are Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and YouTube. I personally use Facebook, Reddit, and Youtube. I love using Facebook messenger because it is a fast and easy way for me to connect with my friends. Through Facebook messenger, I can share memes and talk to my friends on a daily basis. On the other hand, I love using Reddit because it provides me a customized news feed. I get to explore different things on Reddit via the subbreddits. I find the people on Reddit to be pompous. I still don't understand the culture on Reddit. Sometimes people are funny, however sometimes people are rude for no reason. I only use Reddit for the content that people share and not to connect with others. Similarly to Reddit, I also use YouTube for its content. I don't interact with others via YouTube because it is inconvenient. I personally never used Twitter before because I never had a good impression of it. I always viewed it as a platform for celebrities so I stayed a

Blog Social networking

Social networking is the new way that millennials interact with corporations. Social networking can be both advantageous and disadvantages for companies. Through the power of the internet, news can travel faster than ever before. Nowadays, companies can go viral even with the simplest tweet. Social networking is advantageous because it connects the customer and the company quickly. Companies how have Instagram pages, Facebook pages, and even YouTube channels. These sort of media outlets help connect the company to the consumer on a day to day basis. One of the biggest social networks is Facebook. According to the Chicago Tribune, companies are now able to target a desired audience based on search inquiries and likes. In addition, social networking is beneficial for companies because it boosts job recruiting as stated on However, as good as social networking is, it does come with a hefty disadvantage. A companies image can be tarnished overnight. One example of this would be th

BLOG: Blog v Wiki

Wikis and Blogs are very similar, however their is one key difference that is notable. The biggest difference is that wikis are made from collaborative effort among many people whereas a blog is usually created by an individual. With a wiki you have multiple users sharing, creating, and editing the content. The biggest and most popular wiki in the world is Wikipedia. This fact comes from Wikipedia itself. According to InformationWeek, the name wiki is derived from the name wiki-wiki which is a Hawaiian word for quick. Wikis are perceived as "open-source" projects because anyone with permission can create or edit as they wish. Interestingly, some companies use wikis to operate. Generally small businesses use wiki however there are still some big companies like Nokia who use wikis to facilitate information. I believe this has been a great implementation for the modern day workforce. As previously stated, blogs are generally created by an individual. Similarly to wikis, blog