Social networking is the new way that millennials interact with corporations. Social networking can be both advantageous and disadvantages for companies. Through the power of the internet, news can travel faster than ever before. Nowadays, companies can go viral even with the simplest tweet. Social networking is advantageous because it connects the customer and the company quickly. Companies how have Instagram pages, Facebook pages, and even YouTube channels. These sort of media outlets help connect the company to the consumer on a day to day basis. One of the biggest social networks is Facebook. According to the Chicago Tribune, companies are now able to target a desired audience based on search inquiries and likes. In addition, social networking is beneficial for companies because it boosts job recruiting as stated on However, as good as social networking is, it does come with a hefty disadvantage. A companies image can be tarnished overnight. One example of this would be the United Airlines incident. This story went viral for a couple weeks which lead to a decline in it's stock price. I believe in the future, social networking will continue to exist and grow. As more people hop online, the more money companies will invest in the online market. Even though there is a possibility one bad incident can ruin your company, the positives out weigh the negatives. I believe social networking will become a standard for a company to start much like how you expect banks to have ATMs.
1. Facebook search: Facebook adding search feature
2. Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting
1. Facebook search: Facebook adding search feature
2. Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting
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